Tuesday, February 2, 2010



I know u wont read my blog but i just hope u understand wat i thinking now

Im not dont believe you but i really scare i will lost you some day...

I have no confidence at all now, becoz of you !

Do you remember , you going out with one girl, after that you only told me. i ask who izit, u say is your sister.. i ask you why so late only told me? u SCOLD me bck, you say : Now im not tell you dy meh? What you want oh?

Do you know im really sad... becoz of this you scold me !! 

The next time, we go out watch movie together. you treat her more good that me. You buy food to her but not me.

My tears cant stop at the night. You hurt me but you duno .You came to kuantan is find her not me !

How come i will feel that you will not treat me  good like at the past time ?

Izit i wrong? Do you know im really scare i will lost you at once day ?

Maybe to you , you forget all about this. But for me, i cant forgot wat u say... every word you say i still remember until now ! Darling, dont treat me like this please... i really cant stop thinking.... Sorry what i say yesterday night... im not that meaning... hope you understand me... becoz i growth at single family !!

        Please dont leave me until my heart beat are STOP

mY MAn B'DAy Are PASt, do YoUmiss ME?

YESteRDAY IS My MAN's biRThDAy... AT the LaST, I cANt cElebRAte wiTH hIM too .... HAiz... he sure FEeL verY boriNG ANd loneLY.. SOrry.... I reAlY felT tHAT im VrY uSEless...

YOU tolD me, WHen MY bIrTHDAy, I mUST BSide oF YOU... OF cAUse darLInG... THAT'S MeaN yoU SUre WIll BSIDE OF me.. THANkzYou DARlInG...

saTuRDAy, SUnDAy, MOnDAY , tuESDAy.... 4 DAys Gone... I miSs YoU So MUCh... WHEn OnlY CAn sEE YOu?? DArlING... DO YOu MiSs ME? 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

:) A hAppinESs DAy oF mE

HAhA... toDAy is THe lAst DAy for mY fInAl exAM ! WEe ~ now wAitiNG CNY cumIng !

YesteRdAy mY uncle CAll me AnD ASk mE when I bCK kUAntAN ! sUdeNlY , He Say cOmiNG KL ANd FetCH me Bck ! I toK he jUSt jOKe witH me ! I ASk hIm AGAin, He saY trUE ! wAh, sO toucHiNg... THAnkz mY loVER UNclE !!
( Hope THaT he rEAllY seriOUS wIth me )...

fiNAllY, I solvE my ProbLeM ... ^^... I cAN cElebRAtE mY DAlinG's b'DAY wiTH HIm... NOW juSt thiNkiNG whAT presenT shoulD i BuY for HiM !!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


ONe mORe DAy, IS MY lAst PAPer foR mY finAL exAm pApER ! hoLIday DAy CumINg !

thInk lIKe duNwAN to BcK kUAnTAn 1sT ! HAiz... Coz mY dArliNG b'daY on 1st oF FeB ! whY tIS yEAr so " SUI" ... CNY 1sT day Is ValeNtiNE's DAy... T.T... CANt celebRAte wiTh hIm??

aiyOh.... I tELL MYselF, evErY daY wiTH hIM alsO is ValenTIne's DAy, dUN sO CAre AbouT iT lAH ! bUT i REAllY hoPE CAn celeBrATe wiTH HIm leh .... :(

He b'daY cumiNg sooN... whAT shoULd i BuY for Him ??? heADechE.....

CNY... MAYbe he goiNG bcK to MY Hse HAviNG a dinnEr.. SCare.. HAven TeLL mY DAd yET !! He SCAre, Im SCare TOO !!! bUT dUn woRRy DaR, I'm Alweys bEsiDe YOU !!

hOpe we cAn celebRAte aLL the specIAl daY In THIs 2010 Whole yEAr ! I loVE yoU